25 March 2009

function of operating system:

  • operating system:an operating system is an integrated set of programs that is used to manage the various resources and overall operation of a computer system.it makes the computer system user friendly.its prime objective to improve the performance and efficiency of computer system and increase facility.

  • function of operating system
  1. processor management, that is assignment of processors to diffrent tasks being performed by the computer system.
  2. memory management, that is allocation of main memory and other storage areas to the system programs as well as user programs and data.
  3. input output management, that is coordinataion and assignment of the diffrent input and optput devices while one or more programs are being executed.
  4. file management, that is the storage of files on various storage devices and the transfer of these files from one storage device to another. it allows all files easily changes and modified through the use of text editiors or some other file manilution routines.
  5. automatic transition from job to job as directed by special control system.
  6. interpretation of commands and instruction.
  7. coordination and assignments of compilers, assembler, utility programs and other software's to the various user of the computer system.
  8. establishment of data security and integrity. that is it keeps diffrent programs and data in such manner that they do not interfere with each other. moreover it also protects itself from being destroyed by any user.
  9. production of dumps, traces, error messages, and other debugging and error-detecting aids.
  10. maintenance of internal time clock and log of system usage for all users.
  11. facilities easy communication between the computer system and the computer (human) operator.