The use of computers is increasing at such a rate that is hardly any field where computers are not used.the following list describes some of the applications of computers.
- in offices and homes for preparaing documents and to perform other data processing jobs.
- to prepare salary slips and salary cheques in offices and factories.
- to maintain accounts and transfer funds in banks
- to store and retrive large numbers of informations in the offices.
- to search and retrive informations from the other computers.
- to reserve tickets in the transportation sector. e.g:railways,airlines.
- to regulate trafic lights on roads and to control machines and robots in factories.
- to design automobiles,buildings and dams and also to forcast weather.
- to create animation catroon movies and compose music.
- to control morden automobiles,appliances.
- to do online banking and see merchandise,shares,bonds etc.
- to control and simulate defense equipment.
- for scientific and industrial research.