what is BIOS?
The Basic Input Output System or as it is commonly referred to as
“BIOS” is considered to be a major command set which is mandatory for
any computer in order to function properly. It rests second in the line
of authority with the computer operating system itself being in first
place. The BIOS is a firmware installation which consists of a
customized standard designed to define a specific programmed interface.
Actually, it is basically a booted firmware which is intended to be the
initial code necessary to run a computer upon activation and initial
turn on.
- Basically, the BIOS’s primary functions are designed to
test, initialized and identify the various system devices that reside
inside the computer. These devices can range from the hard drives, the
floppy drives, the video card and any other installed hardware that
could be found inside your machine. These tasks are absolutely
necessary in order to prepare your computer for your intended purpose.
The BIOS sets your machine to a stable state where the installed
software can effectively be loaded, properly controlled and executed in
its intended purpose. The initial running and operation of the BIOS
with your computer is officially termed bootstrapping but for
simplicity is has been referred often to merely booting or booting up
the operating system.
- The needed commands and programs found
in the computer’s BIOS system are safely stored in a small microchip on
the mother board. These programs are designed by the manufacturer to
work effectively with many of the devices which are found on the modern
machines. You may find several complimentary chipset within your
computer system. In short, these BIOS programs are similar to
mini-libraries composed of fundamental input and output functions which
the operating system can instantly invoke anytime the need arises for a
particular hardware capability. As an example, suppose you have a need
to control the computer keyboard, the hard drives and any other device
in the machine then the BIOS would send the necessary signals and
commands to the microprocessor and active the hardware. In some types
of PC’s such as the IBM or the older AT versions a few of the devices
such as the hard drives and some video adapters could perhaps have
their own BIOS.
- In our modern day computer
systems most BIOS have the capability to be upgraded which is a very
vital aspect of computer design. You can readily appreciate this idea
when you consider all the updated hardware that arrives at the market
place daily. Your computer would need to have some immediate way of
knowing the critical details concerning this new equipment. This
process is known as flashing the BIOS. It is a procedure that must be
accomplished carefully and it is vital that you understand exactly what
you are doing.