27 June 2009

new latest computer definations part 1

  • Burning:Slang term meaning to write data to a CD-ROM. A CD burner is another name for a CD-R drive.

  • LCD:LCD (liquid crystal display) is the technology used for displays in notebook and other smaller computers. Like light-emitting diode (LED) and gas-plasma technologies, LCDs allow displays to be much thinner than cathode ray tube (CRT) technology. LCDs consume much less power than LED and gas-display displays because they work on the principle of blocking light rather than emitting it.

  • Laser Printer:A laser printer is a popular type of personal computer printer that uses a non-impact (keys don't strike the paper), photocopier technology. When a document is sent to the printer, a laser beam "draws" the document on a selenium-coated drum using electrical charges.

  • LAN party:It is a gathering in which gamers (devotees of computer games) gather to share a local area network (LAN) and participate in extended gaming sessions of popular games such as Quake, Doom or Wolfenstein.

  • LAN:A local area network (LAN) is a group of computers and associated devices that share a common communications line or wireless link. Typically, connected devices share the resources of a single processor or server within a small geographic area (for example, within an office building).

  • TCP/IP:TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is the basic communication language or protocol of the Internet.

  • K Desktop Environment:It is an open source graphical desktop environment for Unix workstations.

  • xD-card:An abbreviation for xD (Extreme Digital), the xD-Picture Card is a type of removable flash memory designed for use in digital cameras.

  • Track Ball:A trackball is a computer cursor control device used in many notebook and laptop computers. The trackball is usually located in front of the keyboard toward the user. Essentially, the trackball is an upside-down mouse that rotates in place within a socket.

  • Zombie: A zombie (also known as a bot) is a computer that a remote attacker has accessed and set up to forward transmissions (including spam and viruses) to other computers on the Internet.

  • Zigbee:ZigBee is a specification for wireless personal area networks (WPANs) operating at 868 MHz, 902-928 MHz and 2.4 GHz. A WPAN is a personal area network (a network for interconnecting an individual's devices) in which the device connections are wireless.

  • QWERTY keyboard:This term is used to describe a standard (Latin alphabet-based) keyboard. It has been named so because the first six keys in the upper-left part of the keyboard spell out Q-W-E-R-T-Y.

  • Nanofactory:A machine that can make a product atom by atom that basically undertakes the process of molecular nanotechnology.

  • Virus:Software used to infect a computer. After the virus code is written, it is buried within an existing program. Once that program is executed, the virus code is activated and attaches copies of itself to other programs in the system. Infected programs copy the virus to other programs.

  • Virus Hoaxes:Considering the speed with which messages can be copied and sent via e-mail on the Internet, pranksters love to spread phony warnings just to upset as many people as they can.

  • IMAP:IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is a standard protocol for accessing e-mail from your local server. IMAP (the latest version is IMAP Version 4) is a client/server protocol in which e-mail is received and held for you by your Internet server.

  • ILOVEYOU virus:The ILOVEYOU virus comes in an e-mail note with "I LOVE YOU" in the subject line and contains an attachment that, when opened, results in the message being re-sent to everyone in the recipient's Microsoft Outlook address book and perhaps more seriously, the loss of every JPEG, MP3 and certain other files on the recipient's hard disk.

  • Identity theft:Identity theft is a crime in which an imposter obtains key pieces of personal information, such as Social Security or driver's license numbers, in order to impersonate someone else.

  • iDEN:iDEN (Integrated Digital Enhanced Network) is a wireless technology from Motorola combining the capabilities of a digital cellular telephone, two-way radio, alphanumeric pager and data/fax modem in a single network.

  • Image Spam:Image spam is junk email that replaces text with images as a means of fooling spam filters. Image delivery works by embedding code in an HTML message that links to an image file on the Web.

  • iButton:An iButton is a microchip similar to those used in a smart card but housed in a round stainless steel button of 17.35mm x 3.1mm - 5.89mm in size (depending on the function).

  • Y2K:Y2K is an abbreviation for "year 2000." As that year approached, many feared that computer programs storing year values as two-digit figures (such as 99) would cause problems.

  • Yagi antenna:A Yagi antenna, also known as a Yagi-Uda array or simply aYagi, is a unidirectional antenna commonly used in communications when a frequency is above 10 MHz.

  • Yottabyte:A yottabyte is a measure of theoretical storage capacity and is 2 to the 80th power bytes or, in decimal, approximately a thousand zettabytes, a trillion terabytes or a million trillion megabytes.

  • Ymodem:Ymodem is an error-correcting protocol for a modem that uses larger data blocks for greater efficiency.

  • Yacc:Yacc or 'yet another compiler compiler' is the standard parser generator for the Unix operating system.

  • EDI:EDI or Electronic Data Interchange is the exchange of business data using an understood data format.

  • E-cycling: E-cycling is the practice of reusing or distributing for reuse, electronic equipment and components rather than discarding them at the end of their life cycle.

  • Eggdrop:Eggdrop is an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) program for Linux or Unix users that sits in the background of an IRC channel to manage and protect a chat.

  • Easter egg:An Easter egg is an unexpected surprise, perhaps a message, an image, or a sound, hidden in a Web site or in an application program.