9 March 2015

Postcrossing Project

What is postcrossing?

Before I start to write articles about my received postcards, I would like to explain what postcrossing is. Postcrossing is a platform that allows you to send and receive postcards from other people. Postcrossing describes it as follow:
“send a postcard and receive a postcard back from a random person in the world!”. How does that work?
Rate of Airmail Postcard India Post

Step 1: Make a profile
If you want to start postcrossing, you have to make a profile for yourself at postcrossing.com. You have to fill in an username, your address (to receive postcards), what languages you understand and you can choose to fill in a website and a little something about yourself.
Step 2: Request an address
When your profile is complete you can start sending postcards! When you are a new member you can have 5 postcards traveling at the same time. When more and more postcards you sent are registered, this number increases.
You can request the address by going to “Send a postcard” in the menu. There are some notes you have to read and then you are ready to click on the button to request an address. You will get the address from the person you have to send a postcard to. You will also be given a postcard-ID. It is very important to write this down on your postcard, because this is the number the receiver needs to fill in while registering the postcard.
Step 3: Write your postcard
If you have received the address and postcard-ID, you are ready to write the postcard! I always take a look at the profile of the receiver to see what their hobbies are and which postcard they like. This way I can try to send him/her the postcard of what I think will suit him/her. When the receiver hasn't put anything on his/her profile I send them a regular card of something from the India. you need to affix rs.12 Postal Ticket and write Airmail Postcard from india.
Step 4: Mail & wait
Did you write your card? Is the postcard-ID on it? Did you put enough stamps on it? Then it’s ready to be mailed! After mailing the hardest part starts… waiting for your card to arrive. When the card arrived at it’s destination your address is released, which means that from now on you can also expect your first postcard!
Hopefully I’ve given you a clear explanation of postcrossing. If you are convinced to start postcrossing yourself I can only say this: Happy Postcrossing! 

1 January 2015

Embedded Temp arduino with LM35 to Redhat Cloud

My First Embedded Device with ATmega328 Board + LM35 Temp Sensor+ 16x2 LCD Screen + Java port reading to Redhat Cloud Temp SYNC with JSON.