LAN stands for local area network. | WAN stands for wide area network. |
LAN (Local Area Network) is a computer network covering a small geographic area, like a home, office, or group of buildings | WAN (Wide Area Network) is a computer network that covers a broad area (i.e., any network whose communications links cross metropolitan, regional, or national boundaries |
EX: Network in an organization can be a LAN | Internet is the best example of a WAN |
Typically owned, controlled, and managed by a single person or an organization | WANs (like the Internet) are not owned by any one organization but rather exist under collective or distributed ownership and management |
LANs have a high data transfer rate | WANs have a lower data transfer rate as compared to LANs |
A LAN is cheaper than WAN. | WAN is more expensive than LAN. |
LAN is note connection oriented. | WAN is connection oriented. |
LAN uses the Ethernet standard. | WAN uses the T1 standard. |
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